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Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge

  • Item #: 110732
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  • Model: EAF-2
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  • Manufacturer: Sloan

If you are looking to find your Sloan repair parts quickly and easily, you’ve come to the right place. This Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge is a direct replacement part manufactured by Sloan. Order this Sloan EAF-2 today and you will have your Sloan repairs completed in no time at all

In Stock
14 Ready To Ship Today
Additional Quantities Typically Ship in 1-2 Weeks


Posted on Thursday, December 21, 2017 on product Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge
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    If your Sloan Faucet is not delivering any water, it is likely that you have an issue with this Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge (Part #110732) or the Faucet Power Source.

    First, we recommend putting your hands in front of the sensor and listen for a clicking noise. If you hear a click, it verifies the Faucet has power, but this Solenoid Valve Cartridge is not functioning properly and needs to be replaced.

    If you don't hear a clicking noise, you can use a Volt Meter to verify this Solenoid Valve Cartridge is getting power.

    If you have any other questions our experts are here to help! Call or text 800-518-5388

    Posted by Kully Supply on Friday, December 22, 2017
Posted on Thursday, February 9, 2017 on product Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge
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    A: The Sloan i.q. EAF-2 Solenoid Valve Cartridge (Part #110732) is located inside of the Faucet Spout. Follow the instructions below for easy removal and replacement. 1. Loosen the set screw which is located on the front of the spout with a hex wrench and remove the Throat Plate 2. Locate the Solenoid and unplug the black wire connection that attaches the Solenoid to the Faucet Spout 3. Unthread the Solenoid by twisting it counter-clockwise with your fingers and remove 4. Install replacement Solenoid by twisting clock-wise with your fingers and plug in the black wire connection 5. Reassemble Faucet Spout If you have any other questions our experts are here to help! Call or text 800-518-5388
    Posted by Kully Supply on Thursday, February 9, 2017

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