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Sloan Royal Flushometer Diaphragm Drop-In Kits

  • Item #: G100110
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  • Model: Royal
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  • Manufacturer: Sloan

Dual filtered fixed bypass diaphragm - The dual filtered fixed bypass puts two filters in front of the metering bypass of the diaphragm. These filters effectively keep debris from clogging the flushometer.

Permex Synthetic Rubber Diaphragm - Highly chloramine resistant, the Royal flushometer diaphragm stands up to the harshest water conditions and provides longer life compared to natural rubber diaphragms.

Includes – Dual-Filtered fixed bypass “drop-in” diaphragm assembly only.

Life Expectancy – 3-5 Years

Solves Common Issues – Slow leaks into the fixture, Flush cycle too long or too short.

Applications – Toilets and Urinals – The colors of the relief valve and the refill head, plus the shape of the flow-ring identify the flush volume
